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Scientific presentation

Single-Cell Multi-Omics for Solid Tumor and Hematologic Malignancies Research with Dr. Sandra Misale

Sandra Misale, PhD
Simone Formisano


In this virtual seminar, Dr. Sandra Misale of Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center presents data from her latest publication “Molecular characterization of acquired resistance to KRAS G12C inhibition in gastrointestinal cancers.” (2022).

In addition, Simone Formisano will give an introduction to Mission Bio’s Tapestri capabilities on SNV, CNV, and protein sequencing at scale, the workflow and its applications in oncology and cell and gene therapy.


Scientific presentation
Getting Started with Single-cell DNA Sequencing Series: Fundamentals & Wet Lab Needs
Rachel Agoglia, PhD
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From Stealth to Spotlight: Single-Cell Identification of SMM Clones Driving Myeloma Progression and Therapy Resistance
Adam Sciambi, PhD
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Multiplexing 101: Unlocking Critical Single-Cell Insights with Increased Throughput and Efficiency
Jacqueline Marin
Scientific presentation
Single-cell Multi-omics for Discovery, Translational, and Clinical Development
Gema Fuerte, PhD
World CDx Europe (2024)