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Scientific presentation

Multiplexing 101: Unlocking Critical Single-Cell Insights with Increased Throughput and Efficiency

Jacqueline Marin

Despite the richer insights that single-cell multi-omics can offer over conventional techniques such as PCR and bulk next-generation sequencing, including characterizing the clonality of heterogeneous cancer cells and changes driving therapy resistance or assessing genome editing outcomes, the costs for sample analysis can be a barrier to adoption for many labs.

To help address this, Mission Bio has recently launched new sample multiplexing features that allow the pooling of multiple samples into a single run on the Tapestri Platform, improving the throughput and productivity, and thereby reducing the per-sample costs for single-cell DNA and protein multi-omic analysis by up to 60%*.

In this educational webinar, we’ll discuss two novel multiplexing approaches available on Tapestri, Antibody Hashing and Genotype Multiplexing. We’ll explore how they enable increased efficiency and versatility while maintaining the same robust performance metrics such as sensitivity and specificity. We’ll also share real-world case studies from labs that are applying multiplexing approaches in disease modeling, CRISPR-editing, and hemato-oncology applications.


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Azad Gucwa, PhD
14th World Clinical Biomarkers & Companion Diagnostics Summit (2024)
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DKFZ Seminar: Somatic epimutations enable single-cell lineage tracing in native hematopoiesis across the murine and human lifespan
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