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Scientific presentation

Single-cell sequencing reveals clonal heterogeneity in acute lymphoblastic leukemia

Jan Cools, PhD
Llucia Albert Servera, PhD


This webinar outlines a project that performs large-scale and integrative single-cell technology genome and transcriptome profiling of pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) cases at diagnosis, during drug treatment, and in case of relapse. ALL is the most common cancer in children and shows extensive genetic intra-tumoral heterogeneity. This heterogeneity may be the underlying reason for an incomplete response to treatment and the development of relapse. Data from this study provides information about the sensitivity of each leukemia clone to therapy and about how relapse can develop. Moreover, the results point toward the feasibility of detecting minor clinically relevant leukemia clones at diagnosis or during the early days of treatment in ALL.
The main focus of this webinar is:
– Introduction of the Tapestri Platform from Mission Bio for targeted single-cell DNA sequencing
– Presentation of a novel custom panel covering the 300 most mutated genomic regions in ALL
– Insights into the clonal architecture of pediatric T-ALL, lessons learned from the first 16 samples processed with this custom ALL panel


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