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Scientific presentation

From Cells to Cures: Panel Discussion on Advancing Clonal Profiling in Leukemia & Myeloma With Single-Cell Multiomics

Hervé Avet-Loiseau, MD, PhD
Felipe Prósper, MD, PhD
Cedric Dos Santos, PhD
Todd Druley, MD, PhD


Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) and Multiple Myeloma (MM) are highly heterogeneous diseases with many variable subtypes and molecular profiles. Thus, they pose complex challenges, requiring innovative approaches for diagnosis, monitoring, and therapy development.

In this interactive virtual roundtable, 3 international experts in the fields of leukemia and myeloma discuss these concerns. Drawing from their experience across clinical, academic, and pharmaceutical sectors, they explore the growing interest in clonal profiling and the potential of single-cell multiomics in deciphering these enigmatic malignancies.

Panelists include Hervé Avet-Loiseau, MD, PhD, Head of the Laboratory for Genomics in Myeloma, University Cancer Center of Toulouse, Felipe Prósper, MD, PhD, Co-Director of Hematology and Cell Therapy, Clínica Universidad de Navarra, and Cedric Dos Santos, PhD, Director AML/MDS/MM, Translational Medicine, Genentech.

The panelists discuss real-world studies enabling clonal surveillance for precision therapy insights and measurable residual disease surveillance, bridging research and drug development to explore the clinical impact and future horizons of single-cell analysis in AML and MM diagnostics & therapies.


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