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Preneoplastic somatic mutations including MYD88L265P in lymphoplasmacytic lymphoma

Rodriguez S, Celay J, Goicoechea I, Jimenez C, Botta C, Garcia-Barchino MJ, Garces JJ, Larrayoz M, Santos S, Alignani D, Vilas-Zornoza A, Perez C, Garate S, Sarvide S, Lopez A, Reinhardt HC, Carrasco YR, Sanchez-Garcia I, Larrayoz MJ, Calasanz MJ, Panizo C, Prosper F, Lamo-Espinosa JM, Motta M, Tucci A, Sacco A, Gentile M, Duarte S, Vitoria H, Geraldes C, Paiva A, Puig N, Garcia-Sanz R, Roccaro AM, Fuerte G, San Miguel JF, Martinez-Climent JA, Paiva B.
Science Advances Jan 2022

Normal cell counterparts of solid and myeloid tumors accumulate mutations years before disease onset; whether this occurs in B lymphocytes before lymphoma remains uncertain. We sequenced multiple stages of the B lineage in elderly individuals and patients with lymphoplasmacytic lymphoma, a singular disease for studying lymphomagenesis because of the high prevalence of mutated MYD88. We observed similar accumulation of random mutations in B lineages from both cohorts and unexpectedly found MYD88L265P in normal precursor and mature B lymphocytes from patients with lymphoma. We uncovered genetic and transcriptional pathways driving malignant transformation and leveraged these to model lymphoplasmacytic lymphoma in mice, based on mutated MYD88 in B cell precursors and BCL2 overexpression. Thus, MYD88L265P is a preneoplastic event, which challenges the current understanding of lymphomagenesis and may have implications for early detection of B cell lymphomas.




Institution Type


Indication / Modality

Waldenstrom Macroglobulinemia

Goal of Study

Biomarker Discovery, Disease Progression, Clonal Heterogeneity

Key Genes

MYD88, CXCR4, CD79b

PAD Project


Analytes Assessed

CNV, InDels, Extracellular Protein, SNV

Sample Storage

Fresh Frozen

Sample Prep

Whole Cells

Sample Type

Patient Material

Tissue / Organ

Bone Marrow Aspirates



Panel Used


Proof Point Demonstrated

Cell Identity, Clonality, Multi-omics, Zygosity