Cerebral Cavernous Malformations (CCMs) are vascular malformations of the central nervous system which can lead to moderate to severe neurological phenotypes in patients. A majority of CCM lesions are driven by a cancer-like three-hit mutational mechanism, including a somatic, activating mutation in the oncogene PIK3CA, as well as biallelic loss-of-function mutations in a CCM gene. However, standard sequencing approaches often fail to yield a full complement of pathogenic mutations in many CCMs. We suggest this reality reflects the limited sensitivity to identify low-frequency variants and the presence of mutations undetectable with bulk short-read sequencing. Here we report a single-nucleus DNA-sequencing approach that leverages the underlying biology of CCMs to identify lesions with somatic loss-of-heterozygosity, a class of such hidden mutations. We identify an alternative genetic mechanism for CCM pathogenesis and establish a method that can be repurposed to investigate the genetic underpinning of other disorders with multiple somatic mutations.