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Scientific presentation

Unraveling clonal heterogeneity and evolutionary history of AML by single-cell DNA sequencing

Koichi Takahashi, MD

Dr. Takahashi from MD Anderson Cancer Center presents his findings using single-cell sequencing from a study of 70 AML patients demonstrating clonal remodeling at relapse. Furthermore, divergent clones with a shared functionality were inferred by reconstructing the phylogeny of driver mutations in AML. Through single-cell analysis, which had 100% concordance with bulk sequencing, he visualized the co-occurrence of foundation mutations to identify cancer driver genes. In this presentation, he shows, through mutation tracking, that clonal heterogeneity is a reflection of how each clone evolves under pressure of the cancer ecosystem and treatment.


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14th World Clinical Biomarkers & Companion Diagnostics Summit (2024)
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Martina Braun