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Scientific presentation

Investigation of AML clonal architecture with mutational and immunophenotypic profiling simultaneously from the same cell(s)

Linde Miles, PhD

Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is a molecularly diverse hematology disease with a poor survival rate. Only 25% of patients diagnosed survive. Therefore, it is important to gain a better understanding of the disease progression by using new technologies like single-cell DNA sequencing. Leukemogenesis is thought to be a stepwise process. However, bulk sequencing only infers the order of mutation acquisition. Linde Miles, of Ross Levine’s lab at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, shares findings from her study where she immunophenotyped and genotyped AML samples to track the order of mutations using a custom molecular panel, covering key genes for AML, MPN, and MDS. Furthermore, through a simple add-on to the workflow, she confirmed protein expression with molecular data to understand enrichment and differentiation patterns. Discover how the Tapestri Platform provides a true multi-omics approach for deeper insight into systems biology and patterns of tumor evolution, therapy response, and resistance.


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14th World Clinical Biomarkers & Companion Diagnostics Summit (2024)
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Martina Braun
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DKFZ Seminar: Functional phenotyping of genomic variants using multiomic scDNA-scRNA-seq
Dominik Lindenhofer