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Scientific presentation

Single-cell DNA-Seq publication roundup: conducting large-scale studies to understand therapy resistance, remission, and relapse

Kelly Kaihara, PhD

Dr. Kelly Kaihara, from Mission Bio, reviews a series of publications from pharma and academic researchers that follow up on large-scale clinical trials and use single-cell DNA sequencing to better understand therapy resistance, remission, and relapse.

Publications reviewed include:
Molecular mechanisms mediating relapse following ivosidenib monotherapy in IDH1-mutant relapsed or refractory AML. Choe et al. Blood Advances 2020
Molecular patterns of response and treatment failure after frontline venetoclax combinations in older patients with AML. DiNardo, C.D. et al. Blood 2020
Single-cell mutational profiling enhances the clinical evaluation of AML MRD. Ediriwickrema, A. et al. Blood Advances 2020
V211D Mutation in MEK1 Causes Resistance to MEK Inhibitors in Colon Cancer. Gao, Y. et al. Cancer Discovery 2019


Scientific presentation
Interrogating Clonal Evolution in Acute Leukemias through Single-Cell Multi-omic (DNA+Fusion and DNA+Immunophenotype) Analysis
Morgan Drucker, MD
Scientific presentation
Epitope Editing in Hematopoietic Cells Enables Protection From CD45-directed Immunotherapies For The Treatment Of Blood Cancers And HIV Reservoir Elimination
Dr. Nils Wellhausen
Scientific presentation
Leverage Single-cell Multi-parametric Datasets to Advance Heme Oncology Pipelines
Azad Gucwa, PhD
14th World Clinical Biomarkers & Companion Diagnostics Summit (2024)
Scientific presentation
DKFZ Seminar: Somatic epimutations enable single-cell lineage tracing in native hematopoiesis across the murine and human lifespan
Martina Braun